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5 ways to create an attention-grabbing website

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Every time people visit your website, you want them to learn more about your business and the services you provide, easily find the information they need and have a user-friendly, positive experience. By incorporating some of these website best practices, you can help boost traffic and successfully add to your brand narrative. For expert advice, you can consult with a company that offers this service.

  1. Set a clear goal and purpose
    The moment someone clicks on your website, you don’t have very long to capture your users’ attention. In fact, studies show the average attention span is only eight seconds. With this in mind, it’s important you get your message across as quickly and effectively as possible, and help visitors find what they need.

    Identify what your main purpose is for your website and build everything around this mission. If you want to be a go-to site for retirement planning and financial wellness information, make sure your blog is robust and you inspire people to reach out to you for insight and information. Make sure you have clear navigation, useful landing pages and an overall visually appealing layout to help keep people engaged.
  2. Use conversational language
    When it comes to financial services and products, the terminology can sometimes be hard to follow. Like all marketing materials, speak to your clients and prospects in everyday language that they can connect with and understand. Focus on what benefits you can provide your clients and the pain points you can address, rather than talking too much about yourself or product details.

    Read and review your content as a potential visitor and remember your website is not for you, it’s for those looking for the services you provide. Incorporate videos, infographics and images to boost your website’s aesthetics and present information in an interesting and dynamic way.
  3. Apply SEO best practices
    Even if you have the most well-designed, informative website, if no one is visiting, you’re missing key opportunities to connect with your audience. An important part of improving website visibility is search engine optimization (SEO). When someone enters keywords into a search engine like Google, a list of results appears.

    Following SEO best practices can increase the quantity and quality of traffic to your website and help drive your website further up the list. Having a website that is mobile-friendly, contains fresh content, has clear navigation and contains keywords throughout your site will help optimize SEO.
  4. Include calls to action
    Your homepage and every landing page should include a clear call to action (CTA) that helps encourage visitors to contact you, explore a topic, provide information to download an article or subscribe to your blog. Make sure CTAs are well-placed on the page and easy to see. Use language that sparks interest and encourages a visitor to take action.
  5. Create unique landing pages
    In addition to your homepage, including supplementary landing pages can offer other valuable opportunities to capture the attention of your clients. Consider designating pages to your blog, educational resources and other useful websites that your users may find helpful.

    You can also include a fillable form on a landing page that your CTAs link to. For example, when a person fills out his or her contact information and submits the form, they can download an eBook, white paper or other useful resource.

Your website presents you and your business to the world. Taking time to think through your messaging and how all the pieces fit together will help support a cohesive marketing strategy. Be sure to keep it up to date and refresh content frequently. It is a valuable opportunity to make an impression with visitors and create a memorable touch point with your audience — showcasing your brand promise and how you can help them achieve their goals for the future.

This information is brought to you by Athene — where innovative annuity solutions are powered by unconventional thinking.